Marcus Family Reunion

Marcus Family Reunion

Monday 31 July to Thursday 3 August 2023


The Marcus Family Reunion has wrapped up! Thank you to all who attended who made it such a success and special time together.

  • Reunion Photos – View photos from the reunion and upload your own photos to our shared family album.
    • Dinner Photos – View photos from our photographer taken during the reunion dinner at Deli 613. You can change the view from list to “grid” on the top right hand side in order to browse more easily.
  • Dinner Slideshow – see all the photos collected and shown during the reunion dinner, with descriptions in the notes.
  • Video Messages – watch the messages shared from family members unable to attend the reunion shown during the dinner.
  • Other Videos from the Reunion:


A few attendees submitted answers to 3 brief questions ahead of the reunion - learn more about them here:

Noah Marcus

Noah and his wife Stacy are looking forward to seeing Dublin - get to know a bit more about him before meeting him this summer...
Read More "Noah Marcus"

Shawn Meehan

Shawn and his wife, Julie, live in Port Washington, New York! Learn more about their family before meeting them this summer..
Read More "Shawn Meehan"

Suzanne Solomons

Suzanne lives in Israel with her family and is looking forward to reconnecting! Learn more about her before meeting her this summer...
Read More "Suzanne Solomons"

Organising Committee

  • Mark Golinsky – Chair (son of Ruth Marcus, in London)
  • Mike Solomons (son of Hilda Marcus, in Sydney) 
  • Ros Golinsky (wife of Mark Golinsky, in London)
  • Edward Marcus (son of Solly Marcus, in Dublin)
  • Anne Lapedus Brest (daughter of Juliette Marcus, in Johannesburg)
  • Becca Marcus (daughter of David Marcus, in New York)
  • Daniel Podge Marcus (son of Louis Marcus, in Dublin)
  • Alan Marcus (son of Derrick Marcus, in Baltimore)
  • Lesley Brown (daughter of Julius Marcus, in Chicago)