Robert Lapedus

Robert Lapedus

What is your full name?
Robert Lapedus
Where and when were you born?
I was born on 21st April 1949 in Dublin, Ireland
Where did you grow up & where do you live now?
I grew up in Dublin until I was nearly 12. I now live in Johannesburg, South Africa
Do you have a family partner and/or any children?
I have a wife, Sharon we have been married for nearly 50 years. I have 3 children and 7 grandchildren
How are you a descendant of Mordechi Shlomo Marcus?
My grandfather was Eli Marcus, son of Jacob Marcus and grandson of Mordechi Marcus
What do or did you do for primary occupation/career?
I am a qualified chartered accountant and I am semi retired
What do you do for recreation or pastime?
Read, exercise, watch tv and am learning Hebrew.
What books are you reading now?
History of the 2nd world war, just finished reading David Copperfield
What is your favourite Jewish food?
Chopped liver and chicken soup.
What is your favourite movie of all time?
Planet of the apes
Who was the greatest influence on your life and why?
My wife Sharon, we met while still, at school and have been together for 55 years
If you could invite 3 people (1 dead and 2 alive) to a dinner party, who would they be and why?
My mother, Julie Marcus and my son Mark and family who live in Australia. We have not seen them for 2 years due to covid.
What would be on the menu?
Not important
What is the craziest or wildest thing you have ever done?
Nothing as it does not suit my personality.
How important is family to you and why?
It’s the most important think in my life as we are a very close family